Property Tax Rates for Mecklenburg County, NC

The exact property tax paid by a homeowner in Mecklenburg County, NC can vary based on a number of factors. In Mecklenburg, as in other parts of North Carolina, property taxes are assessed on an "ad valoreum" basis - meaning according to value.

Mecklenburg County NC Real Estate Tax Percentages

City County % City % Combined %
County-wide 0.4731 0.4731
Charlotte 0.4731 0.2604 0.7335
Cornelius 0.4731 0.1731 0.6462
Davidson 0.4731 0.2660 0.7391
Huntersville 0.4731 0.1760 0.6491
Matthews 0.4731 0.2665 0.7396
Mint Hill 0.4731 0.2250 0.6981
Pineville 0.4731 0.2850 0.7581
Stallings 0.4731 0.1860 0.6591

For a typical North Carolina property, it's really important to note whether the property is actually subject to the city tax or not, when trying to understand the total property tax. In some towns, most properties are subject to the city tax, while in other towns, a large number of homes are not subject to the city tax. Also, the percentages above are for the 2023-2024 year and may change over time. Rates and dollar amounts should be confirmed by any potential homeowner to see what has changed.

Beyond the percentages cited above, other special fees such as fire district or municipal waste charges may apply as well.

The percentages above can be applied to the tax value – as determined by county tax appraisers – to derive the typical annual property taxes. Most properties in the Charlotte area are re-appraised by the county every four years – but in some cases re-appraisals may be done as much as every eight years. Please note that some counties allow for discounts for people with special circumstances – such as senior citizens.

As of now, we have 3,280 single family homes for sale on our website in Mecklenburg County, NC and 1,306 (or 40%) of these homes are under contract.

See property tax rates in other towns and counties below: