New Mexico Security Guard License Information (Guard Card)

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New Mexico Globe

The RLD has established training requirements for security guard training for level one, two and three applicants. Each of these rules requires that all training to qualify for a registration as level one, two or three security guard, requires "training shall be taught by an in-person instructor." Online training is not accepted.

Security Guard Level 1 (Unarmed Security Officer)

8-hours curriculum is the minimum training required and must be completed within 12-months prior to application for security guard level one registration. The training shall be taught by a department approved instructor that has been recommended by the board and approved by the superintendent. Training shall be taught by an in-person instructor.

Security Guard Level 2 (Armed Security Officer)

Level 2 guards must complete a department approved weapon training program as defined in Subsection D of NMAC for level two security guard training prior to being placed on a guard post for the first time as a level two security guard.

20-hours is the minimum training required and must be completed within twelve months prior to application for security guard level two registration.

Security Guard Level 3 (Armored Vehicle Security Officer)

Before an individual can apply for a Level 3 certification, the individual must first pass the Level 2 courses.

Prior to certification as a level three security guard in the state of New Mexico, upon initial licensure only, it shall be necessary for each applicant to be examined by a licensed psychologist regarding the individual's mental suitability to carry a firearm within the individual's scope of duty as a licensed level three security guard. The psychological evaluation shall consist of the Minnesota multi-phasic inventory-2 restructured form or MMPI-2RF.

An additional 16-hours of training is also required.

Less Lethal Endorsements (Armed Security Officer)

An applicant for weapon endorsement must successfully complete training for the specific weapon endorsement. The following endorsement for level two applicants; 8-hours electronic non-lethal device.

Renewal and Continuing Education Requirements

Licenses expire on the last day of the guard's birth month. Renewals can be completed 30-days prior to the expiration of the license or registration.

  1. college level courses;
  2. in-house training provided by a private patrol company licensed by the department;
  3. the New Mexico law enforcement academy; or
  4. any other department-approved educational institution

Security guards must complete a minimum of four (4) hours of continuing education training from an approved source, during the renewal period to maintain their license.

No license or registration shall be renewed without proof of required continuing education credits.

Fingerprinting/Background Check

Pursuant to Section 61-27B-34 of the act, NMSA 1978, all applicants for initial issuance, reinstatement or renewal of a level one security guard registration in New Mexico shall be required to be fingerprinted to establish positive identification for a state and federal criminal history background check.

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